iPhone 11 dummies use 3D printing to give rough look at the rumored design [Video]

A Japanese site has got hold of some 3D-printed iPhone 11 dummies which give a very rough-and-ready sense of how this year’s flagship iPhones might look.

We’ve heard quite a few suggestions about what we might expect from the iPhone 11 (or iPhone XI) later this year, with a triple-camera arrangement on the rear of the device one of the most consistent reports …


The post iPhone 11 dummies use 3D printing to give rough look at the rumored design [Video] appeared first on 9to5Mac.

iPhone 11 dummies use 3D printing to give rough look at the rumored design [Video] published first on https://androiderpage.tumblr.com/

Author: EduardoButton

Being a founder of software development company, I am a software and gadget geek. I love myself getting acquainted with new gadgets and technologies, whether it is mobile phone or tab, no matter what in techno stuff I am interested in it. Besides, that i am fond of writing blogs, reading of of-course console gaming, especially Kinect. My blog is dedicated for helping businesses use powerful new online and mobile marketing platforms to gain visibility, traffic, leads, customers and loyal fans.

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